See GitHub for a list of hotkeys.Īdded a visual zombie editor so that zombies within the fog of war can be edited.Īdded options to delete all hidden zombies and entities via map settings menu.

Hold 'control' when selecting which zombie to draw. Updated the zombie randomisation tool, holding control and clicking will change the number of each zombie category that appears, holding shift will decrease the number of that zombie type.Īdded the ability to draw random zombies onto the map. The game will no longer crash upon loading a map made with the editor for version 9.0.0 and newer.Īdded screens to explain how to save and load maps easily. What's worse, the infected seem much more active under this warm climate.Added missing units / buildings from the editor prefabs / zombie layer.Īdded support for the new "Fortress Layer" although this doesn't appear to render in game at this stage for some reason.

Lots of small colony groups have died in this dry land. Although these arid lands have much more mineral deposits and oil than any other terrain, the land is very open therefore the visibility distance is very high. The Desolated Wasteland: Without a doubt, this is a terrible place to found a colony.The good news is that the infected activity is much lower because of the cold. Buildings require more energy to keep them warm and units walk slower. Between the mountains, there are vast frozen valleys and lakes. The Frozen Highlands: In the Frozen Highlands, the big mountain ranges reach the sky.Now there are many Doom Villages threatening these peaceful lands. But that is the same thought that many people of the past had a long time ago until the infection spread to their villages. The Peaceful Lowlands: Surely, you will think at first sight that the Peaceful Lowlands is a nice place to settle a colony.Small rivers and pools can be useful terrain against the infected but will make the colony much harder to expand. The Dark Moorland: In the Dark Moorland, the terrain is very intricate as it forms gorges and small plains.These can offer unique terrain features or special gameplay rules. Each map is procedurally generated (at least insofar survival mode is concerned) basing on a specific theme.